Opening hours: Monday - Saturday: 900am to 5.00pm
Sunday: 10.30am to 4.30pm
(Sunday Viewing from 10.00am)
Telephone: 01438 820412 / Email:
The dramatic decline in many of our loved birds, insects and animals like the hedgehog, is something we need to care for urgently. Gardens cover more land in the UK than National Parks do. There are a few key things that can make a difference and help garden wildlife to thrive:
Grow wildlife-friendly plants to provide Food and Shelter. Plant trees and shrubs that provide food such as Barberry, Cotoneaster, Elderberry, Holly, Yew, Pyracantha and more. Sow seeds of cornflowers, poached eggs, larkspur and annual poppies, directly into the ground in September, where you would like them to flower next year..
Put in a wildlife pond or supply an alternative water source. Water is vital for the birds to drink and bathe. Set up a birdbath, attach a water tray to a bird feeding station or add a water feature to your garden.
Provide a shelter – whether this is a bug, butterfly or hedgehog house, trees, a hedge, climbing plants, bat and nesting boxes, or a combination, all species will benefit from any form of shelter you provide. The best time to sit a nesting box is from autumn to late winter/early spring.
Consider having a wildflower area. Wildflowers are valuable food sources for caterpillars or some butterflies. September is a good time for sowing the new or mowing already established wildflower meadow to scatter the seeds. See our wildflower seed ranges in-store.