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This Month in the Garden

February Gardening

February is when winter starts to fade and spring becomes closer and there are many gardening jobs to be getting on with. The days start becoming longer, which is every gardener’s dream! Temperatures can vary massively in February with the low temperatures being 0.5 ºC and the highest temperatures reaching 10 ºC. The sunny days in February, particularly towards the end of the month, will bring narcissi, cyclamen, and crocus into flower to join the snowdrops. However, February can have some of the coldest days bringing rain, hard frosts, and sometimes snow. Therefore, don’t rush into sowing seeds because there still might be some winter weather to come.


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February Gardening

February is when winter starts to fade and spring becomes closer and there are many gardening jobs to be getting on with. The days start becoming longer, which is every gardener’s dream! Temperatures can vary massively in February with the low temperatures being 0.5 ºC and the highest temperatures reaching 10 ºC. The sunny days in February, particularly towards the end of the month, will bring narcissi, cyclamen, and crocus into flower to join the snowdrops. However, February can have some of the coldest days bringing rain, hard frosts, and sometimes snow. Therefore, don’t rush into sowing seeds because there still might be some winter weather to come.


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Essential Gardening Checklist for February

  • Prune the shrubs that have become overgrown and misshapen
  • Replant snowdrops
  • Prepare houseplants for spring
  • Prepare the soil with straights
  • Cut back ornamental grasses
  • Start sowing bedding
  • Sow or re-pot sweet peas
  • Mulch and improve the soil
  • Lime your vegetable beds
  • Start preparing outdoor seed beds for early vegetables
  • Plant rhubarb crowns
  • Dig trenches for runner beans
  • Feed the birds and put up nest boxes

Bird care

February is also a great time to care for wildlife. Feeding the birds is especially important now, as natural food sources are scarce during the winter months so make sure your bird feeders are always topped up with high energy foods, like suet, peanuts, and seeds. Peckish Winter Warmer or Peckish Complete are great high energy options.

We encourage gardeners to install nest boxes to support local bird populations. Adding a nest box to your garden is easy and beneficial; just be sure to position it facing between north and east to avoid the harshest winds and direct sunlight. By supporting birds now, you’ll help create a thriving, wildlife-friendly garden.

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