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How to plant A Bulb Lasagne

You don't need a garden to enjoy spring flowering bulbs. Planting bulbs in pots and containers gives everyone a chance to enjoy the bright colours of the stunning flowers.

The secret to along-lasting flower bulb display is simple - choose bulbs with different flowering times and plant them in layers.

For example, choose snowdrops, Irises or crocuses for the earliest bloom. Another layer could include hyacinths, daffodils, and early-flowering tulips. Choose late flowering tulips, lilies and alliums for the bottom of the container.

Follow our Tips below:

  • Choose a large container, at least 30cm diameter and reasonably deep.
  • Cover the bottom of the container with stones or gravel to provide drainage to stop the bulbs from rotting. 
  • Fill the pot with a thick 5-8cm layer of compost and place the biggest, latest-flowering bulbs. Space the bulbs about 2.5cm apart and cover them with a 5cm layer of compost.
  • Plant the next layer of earlier-flowering bulbs on top of the compost keeping them about 2.5cm apart. Cover these bulbs with another layer of compost.
  • Add the third layer of early flowering bulbs, such as crocus or snowdrop, and cover them with a final layer of compost.
  • If you worry your pots will look bare through winter, plant violas in the top layer of compost. 

Top Tip The bulb planting depth should be 2-3 times the height of the bulb.

Choose a large container, at least 30cm diameter and reasonably deep.

Cover the bottom of the container with stones or gravel to provide drainage to stop the bulbs from rotting.

Fill the pot with a thick 5-8cm layer of compost and start with the biggest, latest-flowering bulbs. Space the bulbs about 2.5cm apart and cover them with a 5cm layer of compost.

Plant the next layer of earlier-flowering bulbs on top of the compost keeping them about 2.5cm apart. Cover these bulbs with another layer of compost.

Add the third layer of the smallest early flowering bulbs, such as crocus or snowdrop, and cover them with a final layer of compost

If you worry your pots will look bare through winter, plant violas in the top layer of compost.

Top Tip The bulb planting depth should be 2-3 times the height of the bulb.

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