Opening hours: Monday - Saturday: 900am to 5.00pm
Sunday: 10.30am to 4.30pm
(Sunday Viewing from 10.00am)
Telephone: 01438 820412 / Email:
Hello! I'm the Flamingo Flower, also known as Anthurium Andraeanum.
Lots of people know me – I have shiny leaves & exotic blooms. However, only a few people know that the spathe (a bright plate) is a modified leaf.
Did you know that I bloom all year round and improve air quality?
Today you can choose from a big variety of bloom colours: red, white, black, pink, purple, yellow & more – find me in-store.
I like plenty of indirect light and room temperature not below 15oC.
Mist me regularly to create high humidity.
Water me regularly to keep the soil moist during spring and summer.
Water me less in winter.
Feed me every 2-3 weeks.
Re-pot me every 2 years when the roots start to grow through the drainage holes. Use a loam free potting mix.